Are your hormones ruling your life? Using a sample of saliva, the Male Hormone Self Test measures free bio-available hormone levels of Testosterone & DHEAS. With these results, you will be able to determine your present levels, so you know what you need.
Using this Self Test Kit will specifically measure your Testosterone and DHEAS levels. Low levels or imbalances in these hormones in men can cause problems such as fatigue, a weakened immune system, low libido, low muscle mass, weight gain, pot belly syndrome, love handles, low energy, andropause (male menopause), poor memory, depression and anxiety.
How to take the test
On the day of collection, avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. During the hour prior to collection do not eat, brush or floss your teeth or use mouth wash. Collect the sample between 6-9am. Using a ball point pen or pencil only, write your name and time and date of collection on the tube label. To collect your saliva sample, rinse your mouth with drinking water before collection. Wait 5 minutes (until your natural saliva returns) then collect the saliva in the tube. During the time you are taking the collection, do not cough or clear your throat into the collection tube. Fill the collection tube to the top with saliva. Tap the tube with your fingernail or tap on hard surface to reduce the bubbles. If you do not fill the tube sufficiently, there will be insufficient saliva to complete the test properly. Make sure the collection time and date are written on the tube and the cap is replaced tightly to avoid leakage. Place the filled tube into the refrigerator until shipping. DO NOT FREEZE. Fill out the client history and hormone details. Place your paperwork in the return envelope and post. Your results will be sent to you within 3-4 weeks of the specimen arriving into the laboratory.
Why test Saliva For Hormones?
With the convenience and privacy of home collection, saliva hormone testing is non-invasive and economical. Blood collection is sometimes very stressful while saliva collection is simple. Saliva sample collections can be timed precisely, which is critical for some hormones. Multiple saliva collections can be taken in a single day to evaluate daily fluctuations. Saliva testing is an accurate, flexible tool for adjusting and monitoring hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
About Saliva Testing
The knowledge that there are steroid hormones in saliva, and that they can be measured, has been around for more than 30 years. But it is only recently that technology has caught up with that information making it possible to accurately determine levels of salivary hormones. Now, with specific antibodies for key steroid hormones, Nutritional Laboratory Services (NLS) can be an important partner in your quest for a longer, healthier and sexier life. Until recently, steroid hormone level evaluations were carried out on blood samples, but blood collection has its limitations. It is invasive, expensive and difficult to time precisely. Perhaps more importantly, blood hormone levels represent your body’s total hormone content. Most blood hormones (about) 95% are bound to specific proteins, which carry them through your bloodstream and can be considered the hormone ‘storage’ fraction. The other 5% represents your free hormones, which can be easily measured to give an accurate picture of those hormones that are readily available to your tissue.
Samples are sent to NLS in Australia for testing. Once these have been received by NLS, your results will be forwarded to you within approximately 3-4 weeks. All reports and client details remain confidential at all times. Test results are provided in a report format that compares hormone levels to age and gender specific hormone ranges. Regular monitoring of hormone levels, allows you to determine when and how to use healthcare professionals in helping to prevent the symptoms of ageing. The NLS Self Test for Male Hormones tests free bio-available hormone levels for Testosterone & DHEAS.
Test Kit Includes:
NLS Self Test Male Hormone test contains your sterile saliva specimen container with identification label, a client card to record your details and any symptoms you may have and a postage paid envelope to return your sample.
Please download the Salivary Hormone Test Information here. Please read this prior to taking your saliva sample.
This saliva based home test kit allows you to measure your testosterone and DHEA levels quickly and conveniently.