Predicting Your Fertile Times
Because timing is such an important factor in achieving a successful conception, learning about your menstrual cycle and recognising your fertile times (i.e. the times when sexual intercourse is most likely to lead to pregnancy) is vital to improving your chances of becoming pregnant. To determine your fertile times you must be able to predict when ovulation will occur.
Common Methods for Predicting Ovulation….
There are are number of commonly used methods by which you can determine when ovulation occurs. To find out more about each method please follow the links below.
Timing of Ovulation
The length of your luteal phase determines your time of ovulation. The length of this phase will almost always remain constant from one cycle to another. The average length for most women is 14 days. For some women the length of this phase can vary between 10-16 days, but will almost always stay at that particular length for each consecutive cycle.
To calculate when ovulation occurs within your cycle simply subtract the length of your luteal phase from the overall length of your cycle as shown in the diagram below. Alternatively you might like to make use of our Free Online Ovulation Calculator or purchase our ovulation and pregnancy calendar from our online shop.
28-14 = 14. Ovulation occurs Day 14
32 –14 = 18 Ovulation occurs Day 18
32 – 10 = 20 Ovulation occurs Day 20