/Other Methods
Other Methods 2017-10-04T22:22:06+00:00

Other Methods

Lesser Fertility Signs 

In addition to the primary fertility signs of temperature change, cervical mucus and cervical postion changes some woman also notice other changes which may provide additional clues for predicting fertility. Remember that each woman is unique. The important thing is to use the knowledge you have gained to identify our own unique signs, changes and patterns. Remember too, that the signs outlined below should not be taken in isolation and regarded as definite indicators of ovulation and fertility.

Ovulation Pain

About 20% of women experience pain or discomfort prior to, during or just after ovulation. This pain is termed mittelschmerz (German word meaning “middle pain”) and can last for a few minutes through to 48 hours for some woman. Occasionally in addition to pain and discomfort some women may also experience nausea. Because other twinges and cramps can be mistaken for being ovulation pain it is not the best indicator for predicting ovulation, but nevertheless for some woman it can help contribute to the overall picture. 

Breast Tenderness: 

Some woman experience a sensation of fullness, sensitivity or tenderness in their breasts around the time of ovulation and also premenstrually. It is thought that breast tenderness may be linked to increased levels of progesterone that occur in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

Ovulation Spotting: 

Some woman may notice that their cervical mucus is slightly tinged with blood or appears light pink in colour around the time of ovulation. This is thought to be due to the effect that estrogen has on the lining of the uterus (endometrium). Spotting can vary in duration from minutes to one or two days.

Cervical Position Method

The cervix is the bottom narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina. Under the influence of increasing levels of estrogen the cervix undergoes a series of changes in position and texture which allows the sperm to travel through the woman’s body to reach and fertilise the egg.

For the majority of the menstrual cycle the cervix is closed and is positioned lower down, thus making it easier to locate with your fingers. It feels hard to touch rather like touching the tip of your nose. As ovulation approaches, the cervix rises up in position, starts to open slightly (dilates) and feels wider, wet and soft to touch.

This method of fertility checking can be tricky and for some women takes time and practice to completely master. If you are having difficulty with this technique you should consider discussing this with your health provider. When you next go for a cervical smear this can provide an excellent opportunity to better acquaint yourself with the anatomy of your cervix. Most smear takers are more than happy to show you the cervix and discuss this with you.

If you feel comfortable examining your cervix you should first begin by thoroughly washing your hands and ensuring your nails are neatly cut. Many women find it easier to check their cervix whilst sitting on the toilet, others prefer to squat or put one leg onto a chair. It is also a good idea to use the same position each time you check and do so at the same time each day. Gently insert one or two fingers into the vagina reaching back until you locate the cervix at the top of the vagina. Feel the cervix noticing its position. Ask yourself if it high and difficult to reach or low and easy to locate? Does it feel hard like the tip of your nose or soft and mushy like your lips? Is it dry, moist or very wet? Is it closed or slightly open? Add these observations to your fertility calendar or chart.