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FEMAPRIN 30 caps – Vitex (Chaste Tree) for Pituitary and Hormonal Regulation of the Menstrual Cycle

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FEMAPRIN® – Vitex (chaste tree) for pituitary and hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle.

If hormonal imbalance is affecting your chances of conception, Nature’s® Way Femaprin® is a high quality, standardised herbal product that may help you to naturally regain balance in your menstrual cycle. Femaprin® contains Vitex – a herb that may support the normal production of progesterone. This hormone helps your menstrual cycle tick over like clockwork.

Infertility, hormone imbalance, endometriosis, androgenic hormonal imbalance which may lead to excess facial hair and acne, increasing progesterone and luteinizing hormone production (LH), creating normal balance between estrogen and progesterone, normalising heavy, frequent or non existent menstrual flow, helps to reduce prolactin levels which may be a contributor to infertility, PMS, cramping, fluid retention, mood swings, depression, tender swollen breasts, weight gain, bloated ness, hormonal headaches, excessive bleeding, loss of libido, hot flushes, night sweats, thinning of vaginal mucosa, alternative to HRT, hormonal acne. Using Vitex after withdrawal from the contraceptive pill may help stabilise the menstrual cycle and bring on post contraceptive ovulation more quickly. At least a three-month course of treatment with Vitex is often recommended after ceasing oral contraception.

How it Works
Femaprin supplies a researched and standardised dose of vitex (agnus-castus, also known as Chaste Tree, together with vitamin B6, the “women’s vitamin” that is particularly helpful for “hormonal” irritability.

Together, oestrogen and progesterone induce ovulation and when conception occurs promote growth and glandular development to provide nourishment and protection for the embryo. Yet oestrogen and progesterone are often negatively associated with conditions such as premenstrual syndrome, infertility, menopausal symptoms and breast and endometrial cancers. Such conditions may arise when the complimentary balance between these two hormones is disrupted. Many women with menstrual cycle irregularities do not producing enough progesterone during the 2nd phase of their cycle hence oestrogen dominance can occur. This inturn can lead to a shortening of the luteal phase by as much as 50%. When this occurs, women can suffer from premenstrual syndrome, a lack of periods, infertility and also too frequent or heavy periods.

Vitex, acts to correct progesterone deficiency by working on the pituitary gland – the gland that produces the regulatory hormones influencing progesterone and estrogen production. Vitex influences the pituitary to increase the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), the hormone responsible for increasing progesterone secretion during the luteal phase. This results in a normal balance between oestrogen and progesterone.

Another problem affecting many women with shortened luteal phases is the over production of another pituitary hormone known as prolactin. High levels of prolactin during the late stages of the luteal phase can contribute to breast tenderness and pain as well as infertility. Vitex has been shown to actually reduce prolactin secretion in women overproducing it during their menstrual cycle. Used for an average of 3 months in a 1 a day dosage, vitex has led to a normalization of mid-luteal phase progesterone levels and lengthening of the luteal phase.

When considering oestrogen dominance you must also consider oestrogen metabolism, a process that takes place primarily in the liver. The breakdown of oestrogen may take two metabolic pathways, the first one produces 2-hydroxyestrone, a non-toxic, protective substance. The second pathway produces 16-hydroxyestrone, the “bad” oestrogen, a toxic substance that exerts potent oestrogenic activity, promoting inappropriate cell growth and damage to genetic tissue. What causes the production of “bad” oestrogen is unknown, however, its formation has been linked with xenoestrogens, alcohol and a diet high in saturated fat. Xenoestrogens are chemical compounds found in pesticides, herbicides, paints, adhesives, plastic softeners and environmental metabolites of oral contraceptives, all of which may exert inappropriate oestrogenic activity. They are resistant to biodegradation, can accumulate in body tissue and have been linked with breast cancer in men and women.

Our Recommendation

To support your healthy oestrogen balance, include Radiance® DIM® as your liver’s little helper in maintaining hormonal health. DIM® containing the cruciferous vegetable extract diindolylmethane, helps support and maintain favourable metabolism of “protective oestrogen”.

1 capsule daily. For PMS or irregular menstrual cycle, take for at least 4-6 months continuously. For infertility or amenorrhea, take for at least 12months. Following discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives continue for at least 3 months prior to trying to conceive.

Not recommended for use in conjunction with progesterone drugs, the contraceptive pill or HRT. Not recommended for pre-pubescent children or post menopausal women. Always ask your product supplier or health professional if there are any specific precautions regarding your use of this or any supplement. 

Ingredients per capsule:
Vitex agnus castus std extract (0.6% agnusides) 225mg
Vitex whole fruit 100mg
Vitamin B6 100mg

Additional information

Weight 60 g
Dimensions 5 × 10.5 cm

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